Editorial and Advisory Boards


Sr Ingeborg-Marie Kvam OP

Editorial Board

Revd Tom Layden SJ (Jesuit Community, Belfast)

Revd Dom John Mayhead OSB (Turvey Monastery)

Rt Revd Dom Mark-Ephrem Nolan OSB (Rostrevor Abbey)

Revd Dr Jan Nowotnik (Director of Mission  and National Ecumenical Officer for Bishops Conference of England and Wales)

Revd Dr William Russell MAfr (St Anne’s, Jerusalem)

Dr Geraldine Smyth OP (Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin)

Advisory Board

David Carter (Methodist Local Preacher)

Sr Benedict Gaughan OSB (Minster Abbey, Kent)

Canon Dr Robin Gibbons (Centre for Christianity and Culture, Regent’s Park College, Oxford)

Rt Revd Jonathan Goodall

Revd. Dr Timothy LIM Teck Ngern (Visiting Lecturer, London School of Theology; Interim Co-Minister, St. Columba Presbyterian Church at Botany, Auckland; and Minister at Large at Northern Presbytery, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand)

Most Revd Bernard Longley (Archbishop of Birmingham)

Anthony O’Mahony (Fellow and Tutor at Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford)

Revd Canon Dr Jeremy Worthen (Church of England Council for
Christian Unity)