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ONE IN CHRIST seeks to further the movement towards full communion among Christians.

It intends

1. To provide information about the developing relations
between the Christian communions and promote discussion of the theological and historical questions which affect those relations

2. To report and reflect upon initiatives and events which
attempt to translate our agreements in faith into common life and mission (adapted from the IARCCUM Agreed Statement)

3. To provide an opportunity for Christians from different
traditions to respond together to current issues of common
concern such as globalisation, secularism and inter-faith

4. To contribute to a deepening understanding and practice of ‘spiritual ecumenism’. ‘The walls of separation do not rise to heaven’, and in so far as divided Christians are increasingly drawn by the Holy Spirit into the relationship of love between the Father and the Son, they are also drawn closer to one another.

ONE IN CHRIST is a Catholic review, published by the Olivetan Benedictines of Rostrevor. The Editorial Board is responsible for editorial policy and direction, and is assisted by an Advisory board, whose members include Catholics, Orthodox, Anglicans and Protestants.
Articles of both an academic and a more pastoral nature will be considered.
All contributions are subject to assessment by members of the editorial boards.

‘That they all may be one – that the world may believe.’